# useradd xymon
# cd /tmp
# wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/xymon/files/Xymon/4.3.30/xymon-4.3.30.tar.gz
Saving to: 'xymon-4.3.30.tar.gz'
100%[=========================================================================>] 3,549,653 207KB/s in 16s
2019-10-16 21:10:50 (212 KB/s) - 'xymon-4.3.30.tar.gz' saved [3549653/3549653]
# tar zxvf xymon-4.3.30.tar.gz
# cd xymon-4.3.30
# ./configure --server
I found fping in /usr/sbin/fping
Do you want to use use it [Y/n] ? [Enter]・・・(1)
If you have the OpenSSL library installed, I recommend that you enable this.
Do you want to be able to test SSL-enabled services (y) ? [Enter]・・・(2)
Xymon can use your OpenLDAP LDAP client library to test LDAP servers.
Do you want to be able to test LDAP servers (y) ? [Enter]・・・(3)
Setting up for a Xymon server
What userid will be running Xymon [xymon] ? [Enter]・・・(4)
Where do you want the Xymon installation [/home/xymon] ? [Enter]・・・(5)
What URL will you use for the Xymon webpages [/xymon] ? [Enter]・・・(6)
Where to put the Xymon CGI scripts [/home/xymon/cgi-bin] ? [Enter]・・・(7)
(Note: This is the filesystem directory - we will get to the URL shortly)
What is the URL for the Xymon CGI directory [/xymon-cgi] ? [Enter]・・・(8)
(Note: This is the URL - NOT the filesystem directory)
Where to put the Xymon Administration CGI scripts [/home/xymon/cgi-secure] ? [Enter]・・・(9)
(Note: This is the filesystem directory - we will get to the URL shortly)
What is the URL for the Xymon Administration CGI directory [/xymon-seccgi] ? [Enter]・・・(10)
(Note: This is the URL - NOT the filesystem directory)
What group-ID does your webserver use [nobody] ?
apache [Enter]・・・(11)httpdの実行ユーザ指定
Where to put the Xymon logfiles [/var/log/xymon] ? [Enter]・・・(12)
What is the name of this host [tk2-209-14425.vs.sakura.ne.jp] ?
www.dhk16.com [Enter]・・・(13)自身のホスト名を指定
What is the IP-address of this host [] ?
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx [Enter]・・・(14)自身のIPアドレス
Where should I install the Xymon man-pages (/usr/local/man) ? [Enter]・・・(15)
Created Makefile with the necessary information to build Xymon
Some defaults are used, so do look at the Makefile before continuing.
Configuration complete - now run make (GNU make) to build the tools
コンパイル&インストール(make && make install )
# make && make install
To start Xymon, as the xymon user run '/home/xymon/server/bin/xymon.sh start'
To view the Xymon webpages, go to http://xymon.dhk16.com/xymon
初期設定&Xymonサービス起動 Xymonマネージャのインストールを終えて早速サービス起動といきたいところですが、その前にもうひと手間。4項目の設定を済ませておきましょう。 Xymonマネージャの設定ファイル(apac …